Behind [by SMP]
Sheyla M. Pérez
Born in Puerto Rico, raised in Florida, and migrating to Germany has shaped my understanding of identity, belonging, and Self in ways I never could have imagined. When taking inventory of my life, I feel as if I have lived a hundred of them:
— From migrating from my small, island-country of Puerto Rico at a young and impressionable age to being raised in a dual cultural environment
— Transitioning from a Sign Language Interpreting profession to solo-backpacking across over 40 countries
— Living in year-round sunshine and warmth to attempting to adapt to the long, dark winters of Northern Europe
— Leaving a 16-year career to become a stay-at-home-mom building an online business
— Raising a bi-racial, bi-cultural, multi-lingual toddler oceans away from my family and familial culture
These series of pivotal shifts have pushed me to deconstruct and rediscover myself anew.
This journey of navigating life across multiple borders, languages, and cultures has gifted me my greatest lesson— the further you reach, the deeper you root.
The more I leaned into creating, the further and longer I traveled, the more vulnerably I shared my story, the clearer it became to me that I’m not lost, I am evolving and By SMP is how I found my way home.
Every piece I create, every experience I curate, is intentional, immersive, and deeply personal—a reflection of the life I’ve lived and the stories I carry rooted in transparency, vulnerability, and tenacity.
By SMP empowers you to explore and embrace your own journey just as boldly.
Whether it’s through bringing vibrant, cultural artwork into your space or solo-traveling to an enchanted Caribbean island, my work as a product of my personal journey outward and in, is designed to help you evolve your home within.
With anything By SMP discover the meaning woven into every step of your path, because life, art, and travel is most impactful when we are connected — deeply.